The day of travel - the flight journey

I was there sitting, all covered in a blanket, the AC's temperature was too low maybe. I was not shivering, but it was cold all around. There was no network, as you know at such height, there is no signal. It was my second time on a flight and first international travel, I never ever travelled all alone, never crossed any road on my own. However here I was, in the middle of a few hundred persons, travelling kilometres away, far away from everyone. I was way too exhausted and scared to even feel excited, and since I was scared or too shy to even operate the small screen they gave us for movies, I was left with nothing to do. I sat there gazing at my mobile phone, it was a mail from my professor there in Japan, wishing me a good luck. I was way too tired to react, for from last 2-3 days I was not able to sleep properly. I don't remember when I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was there sleeping on the shoulder of my co-passenger, I felt a little awkward, and nervously I lifted my head, still asleep, and so longed to be with my acquaintances who can pamper me!
Suddenly, there was this voice, I was sleepy, I don't remember what it was, probably the person said, you can sleep. And, I just slept over my co-passengers shoulder for the whole journey, next I remember is me waking up, while there was some announcement about the landing. I looked around, and I felt that known a warm smile on his face. I felt bad for causing a random person so much trouble. We landed, I wanted to thank the person, but I had to head over to Hiroshima through a domestic flight while he went to board his next international flight, and it was all in so much hurry that I never had the chance to really thank the guy. I sat there on the Tokyo airport, talking back home, still hungry, since in flight I didn't eat anything, it was probably afternoon in India and I had not eaten a proper meal since last noon. After I spoke with everyone back at home, I felt hungry, it was the time to board the next flight. still without food. I was there finally in Hiroshima, now I was scared, I had to eat, but still, wait I was supposed to board a bus to Saijo station, from where my Japanese support student was going to pick me up. I went there on reception, asking how to get the bus, he showed me an electronic machine for getting a ticket but wait that was in Japanese, the person saw my anxiousness and helped me get in the bus. While I was travelling through the bus, it was seven past fifteen, cold, dark and unknown, going to meet a bunch of unknown people.  Suddenly I saw upside and felt the same sky still here with me, the same green trees running behind, same as they were at my home, I felt something to be miles apart still with me.


  1. 👌👌 Good try..waiting for more..😊

    1. Thank you Bachi! Will try to put more of my efforts!

  2. It's really awesome I waiting for more ...😄😄

  3. Wish you good luck for your next endeavors

  4. Very good first attempt . Just thought the ending was a bit too abrupt .Well done

    1. Will try to improve on the ending part. Thank you for the read and advice!

  5. Wtf , I'm sure your experience would've been great and all but who tf writes a blog like that! Pretty evident from all the comments wishing you luck for the 'next' time..

  6. I too had gone to Kobe but surprising they kept u hungry. More then ur traumas u should have written about the beautiful arigato culture of Japan n its lovely orchids it would have left the cells yearning for more. And who would refuse allowing a sleeping beauty to rest her face on the shoulders of a man. The man is blessed.
    Kudos to ur script. Loved it. Should have gone to ACTIVE Boeki's Indian Restaurant for Papdi chat or other stuff like paavam bhaji etc. There are 4 BITSians in Kobe. Jai Ho.

    1. I am soon going to write about my later beautiful experiences there in upcoming blogs actually. It is just the starting part, my interaction with Japanese is that which was one of the best parts of the journey. They are honest hardworking and kind people.
      Thank you for your analysis and reading :), will elaborate soon on the points mentioned above by you. And how do I survived, where I found food, is the part which I am going to answer soon in next blog!

  7. Yes, but you were the first one to show me out there, the food sections in the shopping mall. No, actually, I had a few drinks and some fruits, (remember I mentioned a proper meal, which meant a meal which could fill up my stomach! ).
    Feeling good, found someone who had a similar experience.


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