Being Grateful - Part 1

Remember last to last BITSian's day I talked about one alum who went out of his way to help me with my internship. There is another one part of that awesome story. And this is about another one of our alums :)! She is probably the most generous and kind person I have ever met. She is like the elder sister I never had. And here is her story - 

I was still in my second year of engineering and after the sophomore year I went for this internship in Japan. Now here we are talking about me, a person who had grown up in a small village, who is extremely introverted and with a naive overview of the world - all people are good people being one of the firmest beliefs :) ( somewhere it still is ). 

So, I reached there in Higashihiroshima and the problem is being a workaholic and a slight language gap, I am unable to either make friends or find vegetarian food. Everything I would find would contain egg or a fish - which they would treat as vegetarian food.

And I am not proud of this bit - but I did not know how to cook food then not even Maggie. For your relief on a later internship I was able to survive with the food I prepared myself. But that was a year later. 

Let's go back to Japan’s time. So, these Chinese colleagues take me to this Indian restaurant a little far away. And there I met this really nice and generous person, the owner there, who seemed to be from India but was from Nepal. I ordered the usual Daal-Roti :)! I finished the Rotis and left all the daal behind. And Daal - was an expensive thing there you know. So, the owner of the restaurant tried to pack it up for me, but I was like no no, no need. And I think he knew right then that he was dealing with a kiddo who might need some help. 

This restaurant was far from the university campus and  travelling in buses was too much effort with me not knowing any of their language’s script. However, I visited this Indian restaurant again once and this person informed me about opening a branch there in the vicinity of my university. And he invited me to the inauguration and said that he would introduce me to some fellow Indians.

If I am being honest, I went there for good food. But remember, meeting people was also part of it. There I met these fellow Indians and local Japanese - all the people the owner knew. And, how slim do you think the chances of this happening are - I was in this restaurant till the end and there were 5-6 people and when I mentioned where I am studying, one of them said - yes I am also from BITS :)! 


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