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Being Grateful - another part :)

Remember the Indian restaurant owner. I would eat everyday at this place. Of course in normal circumstances I could not afford to, but since our owner-uncle already knew how much food I would waste in their meals, he allowed me to eat whatever I wanted at almost half discounted price. Again, I do not like too many vegetables and every day I would order Daal and they would always ask me to at least eat something different today, but I never got bored, I still never do. Once I was missing this mint chutney so bad. And I went for my usual evening dinner, and there it was the mint chutney. Turns out - one of the members there had recently grown a mint plant in their house and they remembered me. They would serve usual chai and Pakoras whenever it would rain. It felt like I was eating at home, as much soup as I wanted, can I eat rice, can I please get half naan, can I get Lassi or chai, all at the same price :)!  Friends of our BITSian Di were my friends now. And they were pretty awesome to

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